- Having published more than 60 Refereed Papers, 150 Conference
- Papers, 12 Books, more than 50 Chapters in professional Books/Monographs, 1 Special Column of aging & care for more than 4 years in a public medical reading , and more than 210 Special Articles…etc
Reviewer/Board for Journals or Research Projects in the Past & at Present:
- Taiwan Geriatrics & Gerontology (Editor-in-Chief)
- Journal of Community-based Long Term Care in Taiwan(Editor-in-Chief)
- Social Science Medicine
- International Journal of Gerontology and Chronomegeriatrics(Gerontology-Geriatrics) (in Mexico)
- Geriatrics & Gerontology Journal, International (in Japan)
- Journal of Family Medicine in Taiwan (Executive Editor)
- Journal of Long Term Care in Taiwan(ex-Editor-in-Chief)
- Journal of Taiwan Public Health
- Journal of Fu-Jen Medicine
- The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences
- Journal of Tzu-Chi Medicine
- Journal of Health Management
- Journal of Taiwan Nursing Research
- Journal of Chinese Mental Health
- Research & Contract Project; Ministry of Health & National
- Science Council in Taiwan
- International Nursing Perspective (in Australia)
- Bulletins of Hong-Kung Technology Institute
- Journal of Taiwan Social Welfare
- The Journal of Health Science
- Journal of Taiwan Family Medicine Research
- Journal of Taiwan Social Welfare
- Journal of Taiwan Social Worker
- The Journal of Health Science in Taiwan
- Bulletins of Hong-Kung Technology Institute
- Bulletins of Health Education of Normal University
- Health Monographs of Health Promotion Bureau
- Primary medicine
- News Bulletin, Medical College/School National Taiwan University
- Bulletin of Community Medicine, Medical College/School National Taiwan University